Minggu, 28 September 2014

Reviews About OnGossamer Women's Microglamour Hip Boyshort (Apparel) Underwear for Women

Its a review about this product

This is girdle that I have used for 20 years or more. I am familiar with their fit and quality, but, as with most products nowadays, there are changes made and quality differences in the new Bali underwear. Luckily, this company is still doing a good job on the quality and durability of their products. The fabric is very strong, and you can rely on it to last. The reduction in quality is minor. I only noticed that the fabric is not as soft as it once was. These girdles are much better than hard-paneled girdles and are comfortable enough to wear everywhere. I even wear them in the summer. I noticed that the sizing had changed as well. If you are very overweight this is a good choice because other girdles tend to cut into flesh and leave lumps under your pants. These have a smooth transition.

Take It Now ! OnGossamer Women's Microglamour Hip Boyshort (Apparel)


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